Thursday, October 1, 2009

Personal Projects: The Diggers

Today I wanted to share one of my personal fine art projects, titled "The Diggers". I think it is important for a creative professional to continue doing work solely for one's self not only because it stretches your creativity, but also because it allows you test out new techniques and concepts with people who are no paying you for absolute perfection.
Anyway, "The Diggers" is part of a series of pieces I am working on that tell a story, but exactly what that story is is entirely up to viewer. It is an exercise in imagination: Who are these people? What are they doing? Are they burying something? If so what? Are they digging something up? If so what? Who or what are they looking at? If they have been caught, what will they do next? What led up to this moment? Think about it and leave me a comment with your thoughts!
