Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Boudoir Session: Miss C*

*Real names are never used to protect our sexy clients from the prying eyes of Google

I've been so bad about blogging! I'll try to make up for it though y posting some awesome boudoir for you!

I did a session for Miss C* not too long ago and the images are some of the best I've done if I do say so myself. The session was done in honor of Miss C*'s up coming wedding as a gift for her groom. I think he'll like it better than a pair of cuff links!

We used the 55 Trailer at the beautiful Star of Texas Bed and Breakfast which fit the vintage pin up theme perfectly. Kalle Martin provided excellent 1960's era hair and make up to complete the look. With Miss C's killer boots and trench coat I think we had the Ann Margaret thing down pat!






And the Slideshow: