Thursday, December 18, 2008

Portrait Session : Autumn and Hayden

Autumn and Hayden came in for some Christmas pictures this week and we had a blast! I had the pleasure of shooting Miss Autumn back in May for a Baby Beauty Pageant she was entering but this was the first time a got to photograph her brother. They look so cute together in their matching Christmas outfits! Mom Ashley tells me they are giving the pictures as Christmas gifts to the whole family and I'm sure they will all love them!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bridal Portraits: Kim

Where do you go shoot bridal portraits of an Austin bartender? 6th Street of course! Kim was a real trooper(and has a beautiful name). She was up for something different that showcased her personality and since I specialize in different it was a perfect fit!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Personal Work: Piano

A few weeks ago I posted some pictures I took for my own personal portfolio at the First Baptist Church on Austin Ave. I'll be posting a few more of them today. Initially I went to the church to shoot the stained glass windows. I notice them every time I drive by and I thought they would make a beautiful color study in a series. While I was in the church I started shooting some images of the organ and the piano they use for services. I have always loved music and wish that I could play an instrument but the artist skill God has given me does not bend in that direction. The piano was sitting off to the side bathed in late afternoon light from the aforementioned stained glass windows. I wondered if I could make it look as beautiful as it sounds so I shot a few images composed to show the inner workings. My intent was to make the strings sing with light, you can decide if I succeeded.